The Chatty Homemaker

Finding joy in every day life with a large family

burst water fountain

The Amazing Benefits of Joyful Diligence


What is diligence?

So, what is diligence anyway? Diligence as defined in the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary is: Steady application in business of any kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken; exertion of body or mind without unnecessary delay or sloth; due attention; industry; assiduity.

I have found that there are a plethora of benefits to working diligently in every aspect of life. Those benefits are even more sweet when we are joyful in our diligence. How do we stay joyfully diligent when the tasks are mundane, and boring? There are a couple of ways I have found that help me to maintain my joyful spirit while doing the not so desirable tasks. One way is to pray as you clean the toilet, or gather trash into a trash bag for the 3rd time today.

Another way is to think about the outcome of the task once it is finished, and how good it will feel to have it done. The last trick I have is to play some music that evokes a joyful spirit, or an audio book. I like to listen to The Primitive Quartet while I clean, or listen to The Bible.

What are some of these amazing benefits?

What are some of these amazing benefits I speak of, you ask? Well for starters, well behaved children. When you are joyfully diligent in training your children they will be more obedient. If all you ever do is yell at them, or ignore them you will make them feel unloved. They will also feel anxious and unsafe with you. These are not great conditions for joyfully obedient children. They need to feel your love, and approval. They need structure, and encouragement to thrive. There are people out there who seem to think that fear is the way to obedience, but in fact if your children feel afraid of you it produces rebellion in them. We don’t always see it outwardly until they are in their teen years.

Another relationship that benefits greatly from joyful diligence is your marriage. When you are courting your perspective spouse you are diligent in figuring out who they are. You are also joyful in the relationship, and love being around them. If that all stops once you are married, you will find yourself quite unhappy. That joy, and curiosity should be carried into your marriage. Your spouse should never have to worry whether or not you still love, or are interested in them. After 16 years of marriage my husband and I still date each other every single week. We are not just room mates, or strangers in our home. We are best friends, and still crazy in love with each other.

A few more amazing benefits…

A few more amazing benefits of joyful diligence are happiness, contentment. It’s hard to be a grump when you are striving to be joyful. It is likewise hard to be discontent when your hard work yields results in cleanliness, and order. Being joyfully diligent is not always easy. Good things seldom come naturally, nor easily. Our flesh wants to just satisfy itself. For some cleaning, kindness toward others, yard work, and loving patience with children come easily, naturally. But, for others it is work in and of itself. You will find that you are much happier, and content when you keep at it, and accomplish the daily tasks with pride. Not half way doing it, but doing it with everything in you. It feels so good to know that you gave it your all, and even better when you were happy about it.

The more you do it happily, the happier you will be. The happier you are the happier those around you will be as well. If your family is loosing their marbles, or in a rut of grumpiness, I suggest putting on some upbeat music, as mentioned before, and get busy. With a smile on your face and a song in your heart, soft words and encouragement to your family, get things done. You will be amazed at how quickly you can turn a grumpy, gloomy, rough day into a joyful, peaceful, enjoyable day. Your attitude is key. It only takes one grump to ruin it all. It also only takes one spark of joy to ignite joy, peace, and happiness.

Be the beacon of joy that sparks in your family today! Watch the joy that is in you rush through your family like a fountain that is unstoppable.

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